1999 Lake Terrell Survey: Potential Trophy Largemouth Bass and Channel Catfish Fisheries in a Lowland Western Washington Lake Preserve


Published: April 2000

Pages: 36

Publication number: FPT 00-12

Author(s): Mark R. Downen and Karl W. Mueller


The presence of a robust warmwater fishery on Lake Terrell and potential for increasing access to this fishery resulted in a stock assessment by the WDFW Warmwater Enhancement Program in spring 1999. We assessed species composition, abundance, size structure, growth, and condition of fish in the lake. We then evaluated habitat, access, and the effects of current fishing rules, and outlined options for enhancing the fishery and fishing opportunity on the lake. Warmwater species in Lake Terrell were characterized by high growth rates, but recruitment of forage fish appeared to be low. The PSD values for largemouth bass were consistent with those generally accepted for trophy fisheries but densities were assumed to be low as indicated by low CPUE. Channel catfish survival in Lake Terrell appeared to be better than in many other western Washington lakes, but based on the fish sampled we concluded that they may not be maximizing their potential for growth. Based on these assessments, we outlined options for Lake Terrell that balance an increase in access and fishing opportunity with reductions in harvest to maintain current fishery quality. We propose rule changes for largemouth bass, channel catfish and forage fish species which we believe will accomplish these objectives.